Friday, February 24, 2012

Just a Minute!

I'm reading Just a Minute by Wes Stafford, president & CEO of Compassion Int'l. I purchased the book on Kindle and have been reading it this morning. This quote has been going over and over in my mind and heart since I read it, and it doesn't just count for children but all who cross our paths.

"I have become convinced that if God stands a child before you, for even just a minute, it is a divine appointment."

That brings tears to my eyes and a jolt to my heart, just thinking of the many times I have let opportunities pass by because I was in a rush or too busy or too focused on me and mine. And I'm talking about times when my kids were little and I was too busy to stop, sit and listen to what they wanted to share with me. Thank God they turned out well and love the Lord—in spite of me!

I don't know why God brought this book to my attention. I don't even remember where I was introduced to it—I think through email, but don't know from where. But I believe it was a God-thing because He's been doing that to me more lately—surprising me with emails, blogs, etc. And I'm trying to stop. To listen. To read. To learn where He wants to lead me, and then follow Him. I don't know what that looks like or where it may lead; I just know I want to be obedient and follow Him.

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