Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Been a while...

I actually went on here yesterday and wrote a blog but I guess I forgot to save it, or something. I'm still too new to this business of blogging. I don't even know if anyone wants to read what I write, and if so why? Those are questions I ask myself when I do this. ha.

Our department, production and marketing is very busy right now since we have to have all new products completed by February 27—just 16 days from now. This is product that will be released at ICRS (International Christian Retailers' Show), I think. It used to be CBA (Christian Booksellers Association). Our product is generally sold through Christian bookstores, distributors, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, our Web site: and through our individual authors' sites.

We love kids and love doing "stuff" for them, but our company also sells hundreds of thousands of bulletins, along with certificates, postcards, bookmarks and just about any other type of church resources you can think of. Check out our Web site at! At the bottom of our front page you'll see "submission guidelines." If you think you'd like to write for us, check that out or shoot me an email if you have questions:

In case I didn't mention it already, one of our kids' books just received a Moonbeam Award. We're excited about that! The book is Pete & Pillar and the Big Rain by Jeffrey Stoddard. We now have the sequel out too: This Is Skid. I LOVE SKID! He is so cute! Click on the WP Kids logo at the top of this page and you will be directed right to our Web site. Cool, huh?!

I had an embarrassing moment this week. Our company president sent out an email to those who were interested in being on a team to work on our Web site. He mentioned that I had a blog. Well, I had forgotten that I started this blog in November, right after my mother passed away. I thought to myself, "Karen, you need to go check that out and update it." But, when I started to do that I couldn't remember where I had done it or what I called it. I had to find the answer from a friend I had sent the original one to. DUH!

Well, it's time to go home and I'm going to close for now. Hope I remember how to save and post this one, unlike the blog I did yesterday but lost somewhere out in cyberspace.

Bye for now!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A little overwhelmed right now...

It happens every year about this same time. We're working on product that will be released at CBA in July and we have LOTS to get done by February 27--18 days from now! Yikes! It 's even worse since I just now wrote that out! I really love my job, but it's time like these that try men's & women's souls, bodies, minds, nauseum.

I need a grande carmel macchiato from Starbucks right now (and I really am not that fond of Strabucks' coffee!) Sorry, friends, but that's the truth. It's just too bitter for me, but if I add some sweeterner to it, I can drink it down! And I desperately need one right now! Ha.

I just started editing our 2nd Hunter Brown book last week--333 pages of youth fantasy fiction. I tried to just read it through once before starting to edit, but I can't! It's like a curse! I see mistakes and I can't help myself!